Fujitsu Arrows Tab Wi-Fi to debut on January 19

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The latest Fujitsu Arrows Tab Wi-Fi is the newest addition to the company’s Arrows range of smartphones and tablets. The device will go up for sale in Japan starting January 19.

The water resistant tablet employs a fingerprint sensor for faster access to registered IDs and passwords as well as securing the content saved in it. The 10.1-inch color TFT LCD WXGA is paired with the Saku-Saku touchpanel for an intuitive user interface, while the surface incorporates the Super Glide Coating for a smooth operation. Its built-in camera recognizes gesture from a distance to execute commands.

The tablet PC with dimensions of 181 x 262 x 11.3 millimeters, tips the scale at 599 grams. Besides a front facing 1.3MP camera, it is armed with a 5.1MP camera with CMOS sensor. This multimedia-ready slate is integrated with two speakers, which combines with the Dolby Mobile v3 for a virtual 5.1 channel surround. Also, the one segment broadcasts powered by the frame enhancement technology allows playing 15 fps video clips at the rate of 30 frames per second.

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The DLNA-certified tablet also lets users transfer files directly to PCs featuring F-Link along with other Android devices. The customizable tab supports a wide range of text input modes. Pre-loaded with applications to enjoy movies and TV shows, the slab is inclusive of the iFilter for Android app, Document Viewer and Adobe Reader. It is said to have a long standby time that lasts up to 2,900 hours.

Available in 16GB and 32GB variants, the Fujitsu Arrows Tab Wi-Fi price has not been revealed. It will be available at authorized retailers and the company’s Web Marts in Japan.