Delicate No-Key Keyboard Reflects in Glass


When you have your fingers to operate most of the functions on technological gizmos then why do you require any additional keys? Hoping this to be a valid point, in this revolutionary world, there are gadgets that have proved to work on the finger tips of an individual’s hand. For sure, the Apple iPhone and Microsoft Surface are few examples of the same.

No-Key glass Keyboard

Here is the hottest and also the coolest design of the most important computer peripheral – the QWERTY keyboard. It is made up of glass – the most delicate material, which allows users to carefully utilize it. The other interesting feature is that it does not have keys.

Kong Fanwen is the designer of the no-key keyboard that boasts about its flattest form factor. The important attributes include a glass surface, camera and lighting, allowing the keyboard to work on the latest motion capture technology. Watch your fingers’ movements before it records the actions.

This slim sheet of ice needs super caring and handling, provided you love the delicate darling!

Since it is in its conceptual stage, the price and availability are yet not ascertained. However, we have our fingers crossed and hope that this unique peripheral enters the production stage soon.

One Response

  1. QWERTY keyboard

    Dear sir,
    i want to know the price of QWERTY keyboard.kindly inform me about that.
    Thank you.