BlackBerry 9380 and BlackBerry 9790 smartphone simulators released

BlackBerry Simulator RIM has released simulators for its two forthcoming BlackBerry 9380 and BlackBerry 9790 smartphones which will be running on the recently launched BlackBerry 7 operating system. They have been launched to lend the company’s developer community a hand in testing and optimizing their BlackBerry applications for the two new smartphones.

Besides releasing the simulators, the company has also opened the BlackBerry App World so as to enable vendors to post their applications for sale in time for the unveiling. The posted apps will be noted down for consideration in launch activities for both the upcoming RIM phones. The official BlackBerry Developer’s blog post says that vendors should test their apps as soon as possible using the new BlackBerry 7 SDK. They should then return to the BlackBerry App World vendor portal to put their applications on sale for the new smartphones.

The aforesaid handsets will also support new screen sizes and resolutions. One of the devices, currently named the BlackBerry 9380 will feature a 3.2-inch 360 x 480p all touch interface. The second one, the BlackBerry 9790, will integrate a 2.4-inch 480 x 360p touch and keyboard interface. For the latter smartphone application developers will be required to add touch support to their existing BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone apps or change their Torch 9800 smartphone builds in order to have the fact that the landscape mode surfaces in a vertical orientation covered.

The new BlackBerry 9380 and 9790 smartphone simulators will emulate the form factors and screen resolutions of the said RIM devices.