Guitar Hero III: Backstage Pass mobile game by Hands-On Mobile

Guitar Hero Hands-On Mobile and Activision Publishing announced the acquisition of worldwide mobile phone licensing rights to develop and publish Guitar Hero World Tour as well as the follow-up title Guitar Hero III: Backstage Pass for Mobile Phones by Hands-On Mobile.

Guitar Hero World Tour will grace the mobile phones later this year along with the console game while the follow-up title will be available in 2009.

“We are excited to continue our relationship with Activision and further extend the Guitar Hero franchise to fans worldwide. The popularity of the Guitar Hero games in the mobile phone environment proves that a multiplatform approach complements the success of a franchise like Guitar Hero,” said David White, CEO of Hands-On Mobile. “We are confident the upcoming titles will further advance the mobile phone gaming industry in a significant way and provide consumers with the opportunity to stay connected to their favorite games.”

The Guitar Hero World Tour will definitely push boundaries with cross-carrier, real-time multiplayer capabilities and an interactive web companion like creating profiles, browsing leaderboards and downloading new music.

Along with a guitar, Guitar Hero World Tour mobile also includes drums and hands-On-Mobile is said to make MP3 standard recordings available to its handsets.

“Hands-On Mobile has been an ideal partner to recreate the Guitar Hero franchise for mobile phone gaming,” said Dusty Welch, Head of Publishing for Guitar Hero. “The Guitar Hero Mobile platform has proven to be a phenomenal success and a great way for gamers to experience the franchise on yet another platform.”

The Guitar Hero III: Backstage Pass is the second game in the Guitar Hero Mobile series and is recently launched on carriers across the country.