Samsung T*OMNIA Phone Comes to Korea via SK Telecom

Samsung T*OMNIA Phone

Retaining the success of the astonishing OMNIA phone, Samsung has launched the Korean version of the phone, called T*OMNIA. It is slated to be available in the Korean market through SK telecom.

Based on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional operating system, the T*OMNIA features an upgraded 3.3-inch WVGA touch screen with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels.

Furthermore, the multimedia phone boasts Satellite DMB function allowing users to watch Mobile TV and access internet any time and anywhere.

Other features include optical mouse for easy navigation, Wi-Fi connection, GPS support, DivX-enabled touch player with Samsung’s “DNSe”(Digital Natural Sound engine) sound quality technology, and 5.0 megapixel CMOS camera with auto-focus (AF) and image stabilizer.

The Samsung T*OMNIA is available in 4 GB and 16 GB memory capacities.

It comes pre-loaded with electronic dictionary, business card recognition, mobile instant messenger, MP3 equalizer. It is compatible with both video and audio playback.

Speaking on the Samsung T*OMNIA, Geesung Choi, President of Samsung Telecommunication Business, mentioned, “I am very excited to introduce “T*OMNIA”, an excellent all-in-one smart phone that truly delivers the best possible features for today’s busy, connected consumer. We are confidently expecting that this innovate handset will make the most successful boom-up in emerging smartphone market in Korea.”

In terms of connectivity, the quad-band-capable T*OMNIA phone comes equipped with 7.2 Mbps HSDPA networks, Bluetooth 2.0 and USB 2.0 support.

The OMNIA’s big brother is all set to enter the Korean market. However, there is no mention about the price.