Geneva Software Technologies Develops Disaster Information Alert System

Tsunami Alert System Tsunami was a terrible disaster that Asians faced three years back. Many killed and many more injured. Now Geneva Software Technologies has developed a technology to alert people from such disasters.

Bangalore based Geneva Software Technologies Limited (GSTL) has developed Tsunami Disaster Information Alert System that sends messages on mobile phones in 14 Indian languages to the Tsunami prone area in less than 50 seconds

T. Murali Krishna Reddy, Managing Director of Geneva Software Technologies Ltd. said,” This is the fastest mode of communication in the present world. Designed to reach the maximum people in minimum time it can especially help the rural people and fisherman community to get messages in their local language. Comprehensible public alert on time can save lives of several human who could otherwise be caught unaware in a calamity”

The new system, which is based on the National Disaster Information System (NDIS), works on the following principles:-

  • LBLMS – Location Based Language Message Service
  • Automatic Message Translation into 14+ Indian Languages
    Dynamic Message Formatting for SMS, EMS, CBS etc.
    Dynamic Location Identification based on Area (or BTS)
    Automatic Tagging of language SMS

  • DVTS – Dynamic Voice Translation System
  • Automatic Text to Speech conversion within a few seconds for 14 Indian languages
    Accent Matching for Indian dialects
    Speech Engine with highest degree of phonetics specially built for Indian languages
    Audio Streaming compatible to all Telecom Networks

  • WPAS – Wireless Public Address System
  • Delivers Wireless Audio to Remote Areas
    Automatic Activation
    Remote Diagnosis & Maintenance
    Minimal Battery Usage, Supplemented by Solar Power