Sony PS3 Motion Controller to be called Arc?

Sony PS3 Arc

Here’s a bit of news that ardent gamers will have been waiting for – amidst speculations about Sony’s new wand-based Motion Controller for PS3, VG247 has reported that the device will be called ‘Arc’. It is anticipated that the controller will see a 2010 release, though an official affirmation from the Sony quarters has not been received.

Apparently, at the UBS Global Media and Communications Conference which was convened last month, EA CEO John Riccittiello unwittingly revealed the wand-based controller’s internal codename to be ‘Gem’. The officially released name so far is ‘Motion Controller’.

Rumors doing the rounds in tech world currently state that Sony will christen their device ‘Arc’. The controller appears to function with PSEye and comprises of one or two wand devices, each being topped with a trackable ball. Seemingly, the company had announced previously that their device will be out in the present year and its global boss, Kaz Hirai, declaimed that it will be launched in March 2010.

Meanwhile, Sony seems to have declined from commenting on what they state to be rumors or speculation buzzing around the PS3 Motion Controller.