Here Comes Incredible Hulk on Mobile Phones via Hands-On Mobile

The Big Screen’s super hero has stepped onto the mobile phone arena. Hands-On Mobile and Marvel Entertainment have announced the worldwide launch of their latest mobile game, known as The Incredible Hulk.

The Incredible Hulk

Along with the game, the developer offers personalized content for players to enjoy each and every bit of the explosive and action-packed series. The outstanding and mind-blowing stunt performances will be as easy as punching buttons on the mobile phone.
According to David White, Chief Executive Officer, Hands-On Mobile, “The Hulk is a character who is beloved by many, and we worked closely with Marvel to develop a mobile game that was true to his legacy. Just as we’ve seen consumers embrace Iron Man, we expect The Incredible Hulk to gain a similar following with an exciting mobile game to complement its film release.”

The activities that gamers can perform include smashing through walls, hurling cars at enemies, scaling cityscapes, dodging precision missiles and battling The Abomination while looking out at a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned your cells and transformed you into the unbridled force of rage – The Incredible Hulk.

“This summer is an exciting time for Marvel, and we are excited to be working with Hands-On Mobile to create mobile games that complement our latest big screen releases including Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk,” commented Simon Philips, President of Marvel International. “As we’ve already seen with the success of Iron Man, fans are eager to continue to interact with these beloved characters after they leave the movie theaters, and mobile games are a great way to do this.”

The interactive and destructible environments bring life of the Hulk on the small screen during the course of smashing through the hidden factories of Brazil to the city that never sleeps.

The Incredible Hulk mobile game is available globally through Marvel Studios and Universal Pictures.