Samsung Galaxy Tab comes to U.S. Cellular

Samsung Galaxy Tab

With the holiday season about to kickstart soon, manufacturers seem to be whipping out fresh gizmos in order to captivate users. U.S. Cellular has now announced the availability of the Samsung Galaxy Tab beginning November 19. Embroidered with a 7-inch touchscreen, the latest device offers an exceptional Web browsing experience for utmost ease.

Pre-loaded with Samsung Media Hub and Social Hub, the new Tab allows users to stay connected and employs a 1GHz processor for dazzling image clarity. Users can seamless enjoy their favorite titles, read e-Books and listen to music while on the move. Its front-facing can be used for video conferencing purposes, while the rear camera allows users to capture some spontaneous moments.

“We’re bringing tremendous value to our customers through The Belief Project, with plans to match how they use their devices and products they really want, all backed by innovative services that make their lives easier,” stated Edward Perez, vice president of marketing and sales operations for U.S. Cellular.

U.S. Cellular users can choose the $14.99 (approx Rs. 670) plan for 200MB data usage with one month’s validity. The $54.99 (approx Rs. 2,490) plan renders 5GB network data usage for one month and turns the Samsung Galaxy Tab into a mobile hotspot for other Wi-Fi-enabled devices. For customers who have opted for the latter plan, the benefits of the Belief Project designed by the carrier are also bundled in.

The U.S. Cellular Samsung Galaxy Tab will be available from November 19 for $399 (approx Rs. 18,000), after a $100 (approx Rs. 4,530) mail-in rebate and two-year contract.