Samsung to offer Ultra-slim, Energy-efficient LCD Panels with Edge-lit LED Backlighting

Samsung Logo Aimed at large size television sets, Samsung announces the mass production of the industry’s first ultra-slim LCD panels that come with the company’s edge-lit LED (light emitting diode) backlighting for lighter weight and thinner designs.

It is said that the LED-backlit panels are mercury-free and consume less energy. The 55-inch HDTV that incorporates the same edge-lit LED backlighting claims to consume up to 40 % less power in comparison to LCD TVs. These latest TVs could be ideal for wall mounting.

According to W. K. Chang, president of Samsung Electronics LCD Division, “There is a rising demand for light weight large TVs that can be mounted on the wall like a painting, with LED backlighting as a higher quality alternative to the more common CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamp) technology. Samsung is leading the push for ultra-slim LED LCD TVs in a continued demonstration of its leadership in LCD technology.”

The edge-lit technology boasts its ability to accumulate the light towards the center of the display to bend it. This in turn, reflects forward through a light-guide plate that specifically focuses the light for an exceptional video performance. The latest technology differs from the direct-lit LED backlight in areas like the former has the ability to emit light from a row of LEDs on the top and bottom of every panel, using less power. Whereas the direct-lit LED backlight is capable of projecting light forward across the full area of the display from the front.

Measuring 10.8 mm in thickness, the new Samsung panels come in 40-inch, 46-inch and 55-inch diagonal sizes. They are believed to be only ¼ of the thickness of the traditional LCD panels currently in mass production.

The company also stated that they have resolved technical issues that were affecting the development of a marketable edge-lit LED LCD display, comprising of an inadequate brightness across the entire screen, overheating of the outside frames and light-guide plate.