GMS unveils Raider S705 Compact PC

Gone are the days when small packages were considered fragile. Now the time has come where small packages possess strong and superior utility.

GMS Raider S705 Compact PC General Micro Systems (GMS) has introduced its latest computing device, called the Raider S705.

This new rugged and ultra-small system is powered by a 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, 4 MB of L2 Cache, and up to 2 GB of 667 MHz DDR-2SDRAM. The compact PC comes in a wide range of configurations to be entirely upgradeable and compatible with Intel components.

Apart from that, Raider comes supported with five different expansion buses, an array of I/O and several video/audio options. Other attributes include two optional 256 GB solid-state disks and competence to withstand rugged environments (-40 C to +85 C, MIL-STD 810F). It is capable of operating from a single voltage source (+16 to +28VDC).

Ben Sharfi, President of GMS, explained, “Developed for the demanding requirements of a specific UAV, the Raider is now being considered as an upgrade in several existing programs exploring weight and power reduction while needing increased performance. Its half terabyte of storage accommodates vast amounts of mapping and guidance data.”

Measuring 4.6 x 4.6 x 1.6-inches and weighing only 2 lbs, the tiny Raider S705 system requires low power (as low as 15 watts total). Further, it offers up to six wireless radios on four to six antennae feeds.

Adding to the system’s performance are the ability to monitor and track a phone, wireless connectivity, CDMA, TDMA, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, etc. It also carries a variety of features such as Dual GigE with TCP/IP offloading engine, high-performance video, Dual Com ports with 232/422, four USB ports and full audio for VOIP applications. It also has full BIT and EBIT testing as well as thermal management for safe thermal operation.

However, GMS keeps the price and availability details of the Raider S705 compact PC under secrecy.