Dell Studio XPS 8000, 9000 desktop computers unveiled

Dell Studio XPS 8000

Checking emails, sharing photos, videos and other digital content has become a part of our daily lives. With the advent of Internet, the world is under an unavoidable web. Dell surely understands this, as it outs its new Studio XPS 8000 and Studio XPS 9000 desktop computers.

Dell’s XPS laptops and desktops are quite popular among gamers and multi-media enthusiasts, so says the company. The Studio XPS 8000 boasts about the newly launched Intel’s Core i5 Quad Core and Core i7 Quad Core processors, making viewing photo files and Hi-Def video a breeze. The gaming experience can be further enhanced with the optional 3D capabilities. This desktop PC brings theatre-like 7.1 high-definition surround sound along with optional Blu-ray Disc and Blu-ray Disc burner.

“Some people need every bit of performance they can get from their computer,” said Michael Scheschuk, director of consumer products. “The Studio XPS 8000 and Studio XPS 9000 are some of the most powerful computers we have ever offered and have the capabilities to handle the most demanding tasks of high-def video, digital imaging and 3D gaming. They are designed to provide the best experience for today’s most demanding users.”

Dell also brings to fore its Studio XPS 9000 which is claimed to be a powerful and expandable entertainment desktop computer.

Lightweight and sleek, the XPS 9000 Inspiron laptop models are also announced by the company in the US. The newest creations include the Inspiron 14z and the Inspiron 15z that are about 1-inch thin with Intel’s new low-voltage, performance processors.

New Dell Studio XPS 8000 desktop Pc carries a price tag of $799 (approx Rs. 38,775).