Toshiba to unveil Blu-ray player?

Toshiba logoAfter having cast off the HD DVD format, Toshiba has finally relinquished to the expected and joined the Blu-ray camp, reports T3. According to a report in the Daily Yomiuri, Toshiba will be introducing a Blu-ray combo player by the end of this year somewhere in the world along with a Blue-ray recorder.

A year and five months back when the company had abandoned HD DVD from the market, it hinted that it would instead pursue a wide range of new-generation technologies. After the Blu-ray sales rocketing up by 91 percent as compared to last year, we guess Toshiba had no choice but to join the other team.

After having spent all the time and money denying the possibility of embracing the Blu-ray format, the upscaling technology used by the company was seen as a smart move. This move by the company was intended to target the millions of consumers who already owned dozens of DVD’s and were not interested to upgrade an expensive player and replacing their catalogue of films in a new format.

There isn’t any other detail or confirmation from the company itself regarding future Blu-ray players.